Snowstorm surf
I remember thinking back in December that it was an epic event to get a snowstorm in New York City. That day (it was my birthday) we got maybe a foot and a half. Since then we've gotten so much snow it's just silly. Several epic snowstorms.
And today another was forecast. I aimed to get out before the snow but missed. It was just raining earlier. I don't much like surfing in rain but was making an exception because there have been so few waves this winter. By the time I got out the rain had turned to snow. Not bad! Snow is softer and prettier, though a bit colder on the noise. And this wasn't a blizzard, just a nice light snowfall. Not so much you couldn't see.
The waves were pretty good and it was crowded as hell. I was not surfing well, making weird mistakes, falling off my board when I caught the wave, falling down as soon as I stood up. And, of course, watching other people get fun rides.
One of them was a woman I'd noticed parking her car on my street. I noticed her car because 1) it was a BMW 2) it was baby blue and 3) it had California license plates. What I'd give to have a baby blue BMW with California license plates! I'd consider sacrificing my firstborn. (Just kidding, son.)
I hadn't seen her before, I don't think. Had she driven from California to surf this snowstorm?
In the water she saw me struggling and helped me out. "You're catching all your waves, you're just standing up too late. Stand up right away."
See the posts of November 2009 for debate on this point of stand up late vs. stand up early.
Whatever---her advice worked, or maybe it was just the fact that someone noticed me, smiled and gave me advice---a placebo effect, if you will. I caught the next wave and rode it perfectly and everybody noticed. And she said, "Nice one!"
Thanks, California BMW girl!
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Your experience of surfing is very interesting and very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your vacation experiences and knowledge.
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