Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No longer a kook

Update after six years of surfing:

I saw my former friend, always expert surfer, and sometime surf coach W. on the beach today, and he declared that I am officially no longer a kook.

Coming from him, that's high praise.

"You know what you're doing. There's lots of people way kookier than you."

I have been upgraded to make room for the next generation of kooks.

D. said that the next step up from Kook is Gremmie, so that's my new status. Just call me Grandma Gremmie.


At Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:05:00 AM, Blogger Surfing Grandma of OC said...

It takes 6 years to no longer be considered a "kook"...Great I have long way to go..LOL ;-)

At Tuesday, August 04, 2009 7:41:00 PM, Anonymous surfchick88 said...

I've been surfing for 6 years and I only started standing up without an instructor a year ago.


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